The lovely and talented Jennifer Voigt came with me to class so that we could work with Robert through the piece we’re doing for the recital (Kate Soper’s Only the Words Themselves Mean What They Say). One of the main things Jennifer suggested during rehearsals was to emphasize gesture (rather than accuracy or technicality), which Robert further supported. Practically, this meant taking more time during speaking parts. The piece begins with the flutist muttering unintelligibly into the flute, basically setting up the tone for the rest of the movement; to make this effective, Robert suggested using harsher syllables and sounds, like ch, f, k, etc. Another flute specific tactic Robert suggested was to literally whistle pitches when the score indicated whistle tones on the bass flute.
Jennifer and I talked through the drama of the piece to better establish the character and feel we wanted to portray. Walking through gesture by gesture was great for establishing this, and it also helped me better understand the compositional structure and elements of the piece. This is a good practice for any piece, and it worked especially well in this case thanks to the inclusion of a text; the composer also includes directions for delivery in the score.
Other things:
- THE APARTMENT HAS A CHRISTMAS TREE! It is at least 8.5 feet tall and it is huge and it is beautiful.
- Sarah, Joe, and I decorated a gingerbread house - an icing Ichi is even represented on it!
Until next time!
Jennifer and I talked through the drama of the piece to better establish the character and feel we wanted to portray. Walking through gesture by gesture was great for establishing this, and it also helped me better understand the compositional structure and elements of the piece. This is a good practice for any piece, and it worked especially well in this case thanks to the inclusion of a text; the composer also includes directions for delivery in the score.
Other things:
- THE APARTMENT HAS A CHRISTMAS TREE! It is at least 8.5 feet tall and it is huge and it is beautiful.
- Sarah, Joe, and I decorated a gingerbread house - an icing Ichi is even represented on it!
Until next time!